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MNi. Indonesia terkenal dengan ragam budaya dan keindahan panorama alamnya, termasuk beragam keindahan alam di pulau Flores Timur, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Pulau berlambangkan Komodo yang eksotis itu memang tidak ada duanya. Selain memiliki keanekaragaman tradisi budayanya, pulau Flores juga diketahui memiliki berbagai panorama alamnya yang dikagumi dunia, diantaranya pantai wisata yang mempesona. Betapa tidak, salah satu pantai yang membuat decak kagum adalah Pink Beach atau Pantai Pink. Unik bukan?
Dari kejauhan, pasir pantai itu tentu tidak akan terlihat berwarna pink,
namun jika beranjak mendekat dan menunggu datangnya ombak menyapu bibir pantai,
maka tampak warna pink lebih pekat dibanding pasir yang masih kering. Menurut
ahli, warna pink itu ditimbulkan oleh komposisi dari koral, pecahan kerang dan
kalsium karbonat dari biota laut, benarkah? Lalu mengapa hal itu tidak terjadi
di pantai-pantai lain di seluruh Indonesia ini? Pulau Flores memang unik nan
Selain wisata pantai berwarna pink, di Flores juga ada tempat wisata
lainnya, diantaranya seperti pantai Pasir Putih Bean, pantai berpasir putih
yang unik berbentuk kristal-krsital halus yang membentang dari barat ke timur
sejauh kurang lebih 4 sampai 5 Km. Ada pula pantai berpasir putih bernama Pantai
Pasir Putih Mingar di pesisir selatan Kecamatan Nagawutung dengan gelombang
pantainya yang dikenal cukup tinggi di musim kemarau dan cukup untuk menantang
adrenalin dalam berselancar dan surfing. Selain itu, ada juga pantai Lewolein yang
unik dengan letak komposisi pantainya, sebab pantai yang memiliki tanjung dan ditumbuhi
pohon bakau yang rindang ini membuat siapapun dapat menyaksikan sunset dari puncak
Gunung Ile Ape sambil menyaksikan pasir putih keabu-abuan diiringi desiran ombak
yang tenang. Anda penasaran?/ BS
MNI. Indonesia is famous for its cultural diversity and the beauty of its natural scenery, including a variety of natural beauty on the island of East Flores, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Komodo island with exotic symbols it is unbeatable. Besides having a diversity of cultural traditions, the island of Flores is also known to have a variety of natural scenery is admired the world, including the fascinating tourist beaches. Imagine, one of the beaches that make the admiration is Pink Beach or Pink Beach. Unique is not it?
From a distance, the beach sand it certainly will not look pink, but when moved closer and wait for the waves swept the shore, it seemed more concentrated than the color pink sand still dry. According to the expert, the pink color was caused by the composition of coral, broken shells and calcium carbonate from marine life, really? Then why it does not happen at other beaches throughout Indonesia this? Flores Island is unique and fascinating.
In addition to beach tourism pink, Flores there are also other attractions, such as White Sand Beach Bean, the unique white sandy beaches, crystalline-smooth krsital which stretches from west to east as far as approximately 4 to 5 Km. There is also a white sandy beach called Pasir Putih subdistrict Mingar on the south coast with waves Nagawutung beaches known to be quite high in the dry season and enough to challenge the adrenaline in surfing and surfing. In addition, there are also beaches Lewolein unique composition of its beach location, because the beach which has headlands and mangrove trees that shade makes anyone can watch the sunset from the top of Mount Ile Ape watching grayish-white sand accompanied by the quiet whisper of the waves. Curious? / BS
From a distance, the beach sand it certainly will not look pink, but when moved closer and wait for the waves swept the shore, it seemed more concentrated than the color pink sand still dry. According to the expert, the pink color was caused by the composition of coral, broken shells and calcium carbonate from marine life, really? Then why it does not happen at other beaches throughout Indonesia this? Flores Island is unique and fascinating.
In addition to beach tourism pink, Flores there are also other attractions, such as White Sand Beach Bean, the unique white sandy beaches, crystalline-smooth krsital which stretches from west to east as far as approximately 4 to 5 Km. There is also a white sandy beach called Pasir Putih subdistrict Mingar on the south coast with waves Nagawutung beaches known to be quite high in the dry season and enough to challenge the adrenaline in surfing and surfing. In addition, there are also beaches Lewolein unique composition of its beach location, because the beach which has headlands and mangrove trees that shade makes anyone can watch the sunset from the top of Mount Ile Ape watching grayish-white sand accompanied by the quiet whisper of the waves. Curious? / BS